Saturday, February 14, 2009

One of my stories got accepted for publication!!!

I just found out that one of my stories, "The Hole That Max Found" has been accepted for publication by a new magazine, M-BRANE SF. It will be in issue #5, coming out on June 15, 2009! It's a story that mixes heavy drinking, country music and Quantum Physics. What's not to like? :-) And many thanks to Kelly McGuire for giving me his permission to use him in my story.

I get ideas from the damndest places. While taking the train to Texas, I was listening to my MP3's. One of them was Kelly's hit "Blame It On Buffet." It struck a cord in me; this tale of taking a different road because of someone else's influence. I popped the concept into my processor stack, and this story popped out. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think of it!

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