OK, I sent the package out to an agent, and got a fairly quick respone: Sorry, not interested. That's OK, I didn't expect to get anything on the first try. But it did give me time to rethink the story. I've decided to combine the two parts into one book again. I'm almost finished the draft and am starting to go through and edit the story. I know there are continuity issues and some of my math work really stinks, but what the heck. That's what this is all about. To keep writing until it's publishable.
I want to thank Aburt and the Critters Organization for being my online critique group. They've been very helpful with this novel and my short stories.
I especially want to thank Wendy Wheeler and The Slug Tribe in Austin Texas. They are a writing group that meets twice a month for review and critque of stories. I discovered I needed to talk to pewople inn person about my writing, and find out how they thought and wrote. It is a marvelous group of individuals that are serious about their writing. Just sitting in and reading other people's works and listening to the critiques has already made me a better writer. Here's my public service announcement:
Okay, I've gotten that off my chest. On a more personal note, we may have found our new house, albeit 8 months before we are ready for it! It's in Georgetown, about 20 miles north of Austin. The price is reasonable, the lot is nicely landscaped, there is a pool and a hot tub, and there are enough rooms for my wife and I to each have an office. I gotta tell you, the Greater Austin Area lifestyle is execptional. One word of caution: Don't come down here and try to make it like where you used to live! There is already too much diluting of the local culture. Please enjoy Austin and the surrounding towns for what they are. if you really love Encino, and want what they have there, STAY THERE! If you want to experience a much nicer lifestyle, then COME ON DOWN!!!
The food is one of the best things! There is a little place called "Georgetown BBQ" that has absolutely the best brisket I have ever eaten in my life. Tender, juicy and oh, so tasty! Tell them you want it with a "little flavor". That means there is a little bit of fat on it. And the chicken is great too! My wife and daugther adore the homemade Peach and Cherry Cobbler.
Alright, I'm full now. I'll let you be for now.
D. D. Tannenbaum
Silence would like a word
7 months ago